Cosmelan Peel

Cosmelan Peel is an industry leading, professional depigmenting method that originated in Spain. The treatment works by inhibiting certain enzymes, which decreases the skin’s natural melanin production and results in an even complexion. Melanin is the pigment that gives human skin its colour. It can also cause splotchy areas of darker tissue.

The skin will improve from the second week of treatment with significant lightening, reduction or disappearance of dark spots from the third or fourth week of treatment. The stimulation of capillary circulation gives the new skin a luminous, smooth and shiny appearance.

Clients will typically notice that skin blemishes are beginning to fade, and a brighter complexion is breaking through within a week. After a couple weeks, the skin will have a shiny and healthy glow, which will continue to improve for up to four or five weeks, when the full benefits the peel can be seen. Committing to a daily routine will see the results last for many months. The skin will be delicate and sensitive the first two weeks after treatment so avoid prolonged sun exposure and use a full spectrum sunscreen at all times.

At Spa Moment we like to schedule a private consultation with each client, before beginning any Cosmelan treatment plan. During this time, a thorough evaluation of the client’s skin, pigmentation type and depth takes place. We also look at lifestyle, medical history, medications, as well as the client’s aesthetic desires.

cosmelan peel treatments

Number 1 response to Pigmentation


Pigmentation concerns are a growing, global issue; they affect more than 90% of adults over the age of 50.

Regardless of skin type, they  can cause a significant issue because of their prominent appearance and many suffering from pigmentation have reported negative psychological and emotional impact, affecting the quality of life.

Skin hyperpigmentation is caused by abnormal production of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color, and is a consequence of uncontrolled, localized overproduction of melanin by the melanocytes, causing irregular skin coloration and dark spots.

A Cosmelan treatment at Spa Moment will render real and permanent results and can be effective for most skin types. After your confidential consultation we will tailor the program to suit your skin type and desired outcomes.



Am I suitable candidate?

Cosmelan Peel is ideal for anyone who suffers from hyperpigmentation. This includes melasma, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, solar and senile lentigo (dark spots from sun exposure), and freckles.

Is a Cosmelan Peel painful?

During the treatment some clients may feel a warm sensation, post treatment some clients experience irritated skin, these feelings are very tolerable and are only temporary.

Can I combine Cosmelan Peel with other treatments?

Applying make-up immediately after your Cosmelan Peel is not advisable. We recommend using a BB cream or tinted SPF if you must apply product.